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  • Immagine del redattoreChris Tomei

The universal laws

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

- Nikola Tesla

We are all born with a free will.

This means that we are able to take our own decisions.

We have this potential that allows us to do anything we want to. However, to make this happen according to our dreams, we have to understand ourselves: only in this way we can understand the Universe.

Once understood our own SELF, once we are on the path of interior awakening, we can better comprehend the Universal Laws. These laws will help us even more (if correctly applied) to make everything we think about, want to attract, or wish to create, happen.

Some of you perhaps already know about the Law of Attraction, or have maybe read some books about it.

In many of the books I have read, the Law of Attraction (also known as the Law of Harmony) is a subset of seven other universal principles: the Hermetic Laws. These principles, if correctly comprehended, will help us pursue the life of our dreams.

Keep your mind always open and ready to receive the knowledge that you have always wanted. With the study of these magnificent laws, everything will be clearer.

1) The Law of Mentalism: “everything is mental”. The Universe is mind. This principle explains the true nature of Energy, Strength and Matter.

2) The Law of Correspondence: “As above, so below”. According to this principle, there is always a link between the different levels which make up our own existence (the physical, mental and spiritual).

3) The Law of Vibration: “nothing rests, everything is in a constant motion and therefore has a vibration”. According to our harmonic frequencies - our vibrations - we can get sick, suffer and receive what we do not wish for, if we maintain a negative attitude, or we pursue what we wish for if we love and are grateful.

4) The Law of Polarity: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has it’s pair of opposite.” Attraction and repulsion, abundance and poverty, light and dark. The opponents share the same nature at different grades. The extremes touch, and all paradoxes may be reconciled.

5) The Law of Rhythm: everything flows, expanding and contracting itself. Everything has its fluctuation, rises and falls, oscillates as a pendulum. We can work with it, by flowing along.

6) The Law of the Cause-effect: “Every action causes a reaction, and every reaction causes other actions.” Everything happens for a reason. Chance does not exist. It is just a name given to situations that we cannot identify or understand.

7) The Law of Gender: everything has its masculine or feminine origin. The masculine gender is projected toward will. The feminine gender is projected toward imagination. It concerns the equilibrium of fluctuation: everything has both a feminine and masculine link. It is a principle of balancing. Similar to having targets and working on achieving them. Also similar to giving and taking.

It's important to understand the concepts of these marvellous laws and apply them to your benefit.

From the Book: Law of Attraction: Manifest Abundance in your life

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