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  • Immagine del redattoreChris Tomei

The Law of Attraction

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

- Albert Einstein

The Law of Attraction explains how things, similar to one another, attract each other.

Every happy, good, peaceful and self-confident person attracts good news and positive people; any kind of positive instance conforms to what they think. Through our predominant thoughts (especially when most of our thoughts condition our subconscious mind) we became like magnets able to attract anything we want.

Everything has its own vibration, most of us automatically tend to be attracted to people who are similar to ourselves.

Everything that is projected comes back to its origin - us. Every single person is an origin, a source that creates, and where everything starts. Every person on this planet has a transmission and receptive frequency to which, by interacting with the Universe, it is allowed to create their own life and their own world. When something we don’t want happens to us, we have to change the frequency.

It’s similar to the radio: by rotating the knob we can change music and listen to anything we like. If the past has soiled our subconscious, if it has changed us from what we were originally, pure as children, not everything is lost.

A lot of people do not have success, or maybe they do not receive what they want, because they worry about what they miss or on things they don’t want.

By using the mantras , we will be predisposed to get the things we want and we will have a positive halo surrounding us. Everything reacts to our thoughts, attracting things that have the same vibration we emanate.

If you think about the past, you won’t be able to create a new, different, abundant future. If you are focalized on things that have gotten you no benefits or that you don’t like, you will attract always the same things. Look forward.

If there are things in your past that have upset you, let them go so that any spiritual, mental or physical block will melt, letting things flow the way you have always wished for.


Focusing on what we want, we will bring it to life. This marvellous law is at our own command; however, it acts in an impartial way not caring about linguistic rules. “I don’t want to be poor”, “I don’t want my business to fail” are thoughts that will never work in your favor, because we will receive what we have given our most efforts to: poverty, failure and fear. Understanding this concept is fundamental.

Once you have let go of all your worries and fears generated from the unknown, everything will happen as we have always wished for. So, from now on, try to formulate this kind of thoughts: “I want to become rich”, “I want my business to prosper”.

Formulate thoughts without negatives (“I don’t want”) and use only positive, affirmative thoughts (“I want”). It is the first step to begin moving things in our favor.

This law is always in action. Even quantum physics talk about it. Everything has been originated by a thought, a project, a mind.

We are constantly creating.

Again, you reap what you have sown. If we are grateful for every single good thing we have, we attract even more good things; if our thoughts are oriented toward abundance, we will attract even more prosperity.

Everything we realize is nothing but the result of our thoughts.

We direct our own life.

Distance yourself from wrong beliefs, we are all creators of our own future.

When we happen to harvest results which differ from our expectations, we need to realize that we might still have blocks stopping us. We might be storing, in our subconscious, some beliefs that we weren’t aware of, which are preventing us from pursuing our objectives.

If we free ourselves from those invisible chains, we can reach all our goals; it could even happen that our achievement goes even beyond our expectations.

By adopting new and powerful thoughts, we use our willpower unconditionally. We will have freed our mind of the philosophies that might be influencing us negatively. And we will materialize anything we wish for, firstly in our mind and finally in our hands.

The Law of Attraction, besides helping us change everything in our life, helps us improve the world that surrounds us. Cultivating positive thoughts will make us more active, stronger and happier because we are developing our interior freedom that we didn’t know we possessed.

By knowing this magnificent truth and by bringing it to life, anything we want will come to us exactly as we wish for.

We have the power to create and formulate a new powerful frequency.

From the Book: Law of Attraction: Manifest abundance in your life

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